GAHA Ramp Mill and Repave plan change to winter 2023!
Published on 1/23/2024
City of Glendale has announced the funding is now available and they intend to proceed with ramp mill and repave for a portion of the leasehold. Current understanding is the project scope will extend from the south side of Delta row through Hotel row. ( Does not affect north of India row hangars) The scope does not include ramp areas beyond the east and west of the ends of the building rows. Concrete center gutters and reconstruction of the surface drains as well as a concrete ribbon along the south side of the hangar row is included in the scope also. This project is only 2 months away and the unannounced scope does not allow enough time to coordinate the original intention plan to replace the door tracks and fix drainage concerns associated with the elevation issues. The city has been notified of the problem multiple-times and has failed to address these concerns in their engineering plan. We will now need to allow the project to be completed and address grievances after the project is complete.
Aircraft relocation for the project scope will be addressed with owners and tenants when we know a schedule. Current project start is after the completion of the center ramp project, sometime mid November through beginning of February.